2023 - Columbia Missourian: James Scott has spent 30 years in prison for causing the flood of 1993. Not everyone believes he's guilty
2022 - Muddy River News: New film about James Scott takes look back at Flood of 1993, questions his life sentence
2022 - 100.9 The Eagle: Video Claims James Scott Innocent of 1993 West Quincy Levee Break
2016 - HuffPost: Revisiting The Great Flood of 1993 and James Scott
2013 - GeoEngineer: Levee’s failure in 1993 affects a man’s life until today
2013 - The Weather Channel: Mississippi Levee Breaks: A Man's Life Changes Forever
2007 - Da Capo Press: Damned to Eternity: The Story of the Man Who They Said Caused the Flood
2000 - Riverfront Times: Damned to Eternity
1994 - The New York Times: Life in Prison For Saboteur Of River Levee